Revived | Celebrity
These are celebrity posters. These are the celebrities, sort of. They provoke identification, aspiration, envy and jealousy. The urge is to have contact with the celebrity, or its representation, to pull the inaccessible image out to a plane where interaction can occur.
1. Mickey

Torched cibachrome, drywall, solution.
Yellow = Equal amounts: Dirt, Toiletries, Glue. Mauve = Makeup, Varnish. (Dirt = earth, iron oxide, mustard). (Makeup = lipstick, mascara, eye shadow). (Toiletries = deodorant, shaving cream, soap, moisterizer, lanolin, hand cleaner.)
2. M. Louise (II)

Torched poster, drywall, solution.
Equal amounts: Makeup, Toiletries, Acrylic. Red = lipstick, nail polish, toiletries, acrylic. Yellow =eye shadow, face powder, toiletries, acrylic. Blue = eye shadow, mascara, toiletries, acrylic. (Toiletries = deodorant, soap, moisterizer, lanolin, depilatory.)
3. Elvis

36″ x 24″
Torched poster, drywall, solution.
Equal amounts: Dirt, Makeup, Toiletries, Varnish. Blue = toilet bluing, eye shadow, toothpaste, toiletries, glue. Red = lipstick, varnish. (Toiletries = deodorant, shaving cream, soap, moisterizer, lanolin, hand cleaner.)